Strange sounds and contest rules…

Yes! There are odd sounds when you sign onto my blog! In a frenzy of creative fun I added a Harry Potter widget at the bottom of the page. Scroll down to check it out!

Also, I have had no response to they recycled bag contest, so I am changing the rules!
Instead of sending me images of you and your family using plastic bags, please send me any of your recycling tips. Do you wash and reuse baggies? Do you compost? Do you turn old clothes into dust rags?

I will post the tips and award the bags in a random manner, having pulled the names of the contestants out of a hat! (Okay, not a hat, more likely a large kitchen bowl, but that doesn’t sound as good.) The contest will run until the end of October, so please send your entries to

I have another update from the Big Easy where Paul has returned to do more good, including a movie. I will be posting those later today, but for now, it is off to comfort the sore and cranky baby boy.

3 thoughts on “Strange sounds and contest rules…”

  1. We don’t do anything out of the ordinary…
    Bring canvas bags purchased at thrift stores to the grocery store… Shop for clothes at thrift stores (recycled!)… re use our plastic baggies… shower together to save water… 😉 re~use everything until it falls apart… you know, the usual. 🙂

  2. Ok, I know that de-lurking was a couple of days ago, but better late than never!

    My latest recyling trick it to put the gazillion papers that my children bring home from school in to a pile that we use for scratch paper, and for printing things off the computer that stay here at home.

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