It’s late and I am up feeding my addiction…

…instead of getting more resumes onto the desks of overwhelmed HR personnel whose first reaction will be to scream and shove my resume into the circular file!!

I am up playing World of Warcraft.

(Okay, it’s only one of my addictions, I spent some part of the day organizing the gallery page on my blog and photo shopping all the pictures I want to put on the gallery page. Blogging and Photography are two more of my addictions. It’s a long list.)

But still… here I am, at 11 p.m., running through Dustwallow Marsh in Kalimdor on the back of my striped kitty steed. (Can a kitty be a steed?)

It’s only been 5 months since I last logged on to play! (Sadly, I am not exaggerating. Boy I’m getting a lot out of that $14.95 a month!!)

I am hunting firey dragonkin, and helping an ogre revenge his slaughtered clan.

Clearly this is more important than performing another job search.

2 thoughts on “It’s late and I am up feeding my addiction…”

  1. It’s a sad, sad day when WoW is the game of choice :p . When you’re ready for some real fun, give Vanguard a try. Shoot me an email if you want a free trial. I may not have much, but I’ve got at least that much pull in the game, hehe.

    Glad to see you’re getting at least a few moments to relax though! 🙂

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