And now we are eight…


Oliver turned eight with an indoor camping sleepover Wii party. He and three friends spent the night battling Kirby’s enemies, eating ravioli, and topping their tummies off with a sticky fruit tart.

This morning saw bacon and pancakes and then a walk to the library for some sun and creative play. The wind blew mightily as the fearless trio ran, jumped, and climbed with the Kirby stuffies in tow. At the library they took over the pavilion in the children’s section and built a variety of obstacle courses.





Oliver said it was exactly how he wanted his birthday to be.


Happy birthday young man!

One thought on “And now we are eight…”

  1. Misty,
    He’s sooo beautiful! You are Superwoman to give him such a fine time with all you are managing.
    Love You,
    Mama Betsy

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