The Firefly Lamp

On my Savvy Spoons Podcast, Episode 13 “Crafty Crap on a Sunday” I talk about a lamp I decided to make for a friend’s birthday from a partially used kit I found at the thrift store. In my most recent episode, “Touchstone Tuesday and My Tummy Wombat” I promised to share some photos of the finished lamp here for your amusement.

In making this lamp I used money from a LootCrate bundle I received I think back in 2014. The money was lovely really and came in blue and red, ($100 and $500 credit denominations.) It was perfect for the project because it was really high quality, thick paper with a solid tooth and was just large enough to fit into the allotted slots of the lampshade so long as I trimmed off the white edging.

For the extra elements on the lamp I cut the cardboard that came with the kit, painted it black with acrylic, and glued it along the outside to create another layer of paper lamp. I then cut out parts of the money to add shapes to the sides and top of the lamp.

Finally I painted the entire thing in a liquid metal antique copper paint and finished it with several layers of gloss mod podge.

After a quick but thorough boolean search of increasingly creative descriptors I am unable to find images of the kit. So here is a crappy drawing of the component parts, minus the various rectangular sheets of white paper that came with it. You’ll have to imagine those. It was four pine wooded legged parts, two with groves and two with elements that fit into the grooves.

And that my dears is the birthday gift. A one of a kind artistically rendered Firefly lamp.

Stay shiny!

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