Category Archives: Food

Type A Personality, meet motherhood.

I try very hard not to go overboard on the whole motherhood thing.  Most of the time I do an excellent job.  I let the children watch too much t.v., play too many video games, eat too much candy, send them off to do their own thing without playing with them all the time. I do my own stuff, yell at them, make them do chores for their allowance.  I don’t always make them bathe before it becomes perfectly clear they really need to.

There are a few areas where I have a tendency to take things too far.  Lunches would be one of those areas.

It started simply enough.  Back in the day when Marlena started school she hated crusts on her sandwich.  I hated cutting the crusts off.  I discovered large cookie cutters are fabulous for cutting bread slices uniformly.  So I began sending her to school with sandwiches shaped like the largest cookie cutter I had, a turtle.

Then things spiraled quickly downhill.  I began to get more cookie cutters.  Holiday themed, heart shaped, dinosaur shaped, you name it.  Then I had to cut the fruit with smaller matching shapes.  Then I turned into that crazy mom who sent her kids to school with incredibly detailed shaped lunches.

In order to regain my sanity I stopped sending lunches all together.  The kid got a school lunch account and that was that.  Until Oliver began going to school, this year.

He struggles with school and with mornings. He would much rather be doing his own independent little thing at home than being in a big noisy building with too many kids.  He needs a soft personal touch.  I started sending him to school with notes.  Just cute little love notes on plain paper.

Then when he had come home complaining of a particularly bad day of bullying and teasing I thought perhaps he would make it through the next day more easily if his lunch contained a note from his favorite video game character, Luigi.  So I printed a color picture of Luigi and stuck it in his lunch with a little blurb about being an amazing kid.

He loved it.

He loved it so much that he wanted another the next day, and the next, and the next.

Soon I was printing the notes on two sides of the paper using a template I designed on my mac in order to turn the notes into top folding cards.  I had coloring pages on the inside and a full color picture and message on the outside.  I began sending crayons tucked into his napkin.  I looked up coloring printables for Sonic, Mario, TMNT, and anything else he liked.  I began rotating the subject of the notes.

Tonight, I spent an hour creating a maze for Sonic the Hedgehog to go through.

Now I am officially that crazy mother who sends her kid to school with hand designed activity packets and crayons in his lunch.

Oh and best of all, he hates having crusts on his sandwiches too.

Mushroom Pate

We had some lovely vegetarian friends over Friday night. I was pleased as punch to have an opportunity to flex my vegetarian muscles and offer up a delicious meal, that didn’t consist of veggie burgers or baked portabella mushroom patties.

I made a homemade veggie marinara and served it over noodles for the main course, but the best part of the meal was a delicious mushroom pate served with crackers and pumpernickel toast points. Dessert was fruit and whipped cream over brownies. Yum.

I thought I would share the pate recipe here, it’s easy to make, delicious, and healthy.

Mushroom Pate
Mushroom Pate

Scylla’s Vegetarian (not vegan) mushroom pate:


Four cups chopped baby bella and button mushrooms
one clove garlic
one third yellow sweet onion
3/4 cup cheese (I prefer dubliner cheese)
Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar
Bread or rice bread crumbs
multi-grain crackers


Set oven to 350°

  • Finely dice one third of a large sweet yellow onion and 6-10 cloves of garlic (smash each clove first to bring out the flavor, then dice).
  • Chop a mix of button and baby bella mushrooms until you get four cups.
  • Place about 1/4 cup of Extra virgin olive oil into a skillet and heat.
  • add a pinch of salt to the skillet.
  • Toss the onions and garlic into the skillet and cook until translucent.
  • Add about 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar.
  • Add shopped mushrooms, cover with lid, simmer until mushrooms are cooked.
  • In a blender add a cup of bread crumbs, 5 or so mutligrain crackers (broken up), and all the spices (You have to guess on the spices, I did. I really don’t know how much of each one I added).
  • When the mushrooms are done, add the entire contents of the skillet to the blender.
  • Add 3 eggs and cheese.
  • Blend until smooth.

Place the blended mixture into a greased bread pan and bake until a toothpick comes out clean, approx 20 minutes.

Spread on toast, eat cold or warm, enjoy!!

Everything but the kitchen sink debate night stew…

It started as an evening at home with the family. Well, it started as a dinner party, but the intended party was pushed back a day due to headache. So I planned an evening of left over stew made with yams, carrots, beef brisket, mushrooms, onions, and garlic. (I made the stew in a crock pot, cooking the brisket over some onions and garlic with a little beer for 24 hours before adding the rest of the ingredients. It’s fall apart tender now.)

Add a little crusty bread, some apple slices, some beer.

This was my dinner plan. The family and some stew in front of the VP debate.

Then we added a lovely couple, they offered hummus as their contribution. Great!, said I, come watch the debate!

Then my mother, with an offer of beer reinforcements. Well, I can’t leave you to watch the debate alone! Come watch us yell at the t.v.

Then Lee added another, and I, another.

Suddenly, my stew pot, it looka verra empty.

How do I intend to feed so many hungry anti-Palinites?

Toss in more mushrooms, they fill tummies with fat free proteins! Luckily I have a pile of baby bellas from Costco!

Add some more carrots. Everyone likes carrots. If they don’t, they can fill up on hummus.

Beans, legumes, anything in my pantry that will fill a tummy and meld well with my original stew? Wait here it is… a can of organic lentil soup!!

Anything else?

Noodles!! Noodles are filling! Add some noodles!! Yay for noodles!!

Let’s see…. taste it…. hmmmm…. some bullion to make up for the sudden increase in water.

Still…. awfully paltry offerings. It’s just a bowl of stew after all.

Homemade cornbread!! That’s the ticket! Fresh, hot and yummy! That will fill some tummies!!

Into the oven when a pan of yellow and a pan of blue. That will feed the masses!!