Why I am attached at the hip…

I became an attachment parent by accident. I never studied that particular style of parenting, or even knew that my parenting style had a name. I simply followed my instincts, and parented in the way that worked the best for me.

I had my daughter, Monkey, while still in college, and therefore needed time to study, and a fair amount of sleep. I discovered that nursing and co-sleeping were the best tools at my disposal for getting a good night’s sleep. So I continued to do it. Even after leaving school, I kept with it, simply because cuddling my kiddo at night seemed like the right thing to do.

As for the nursing, I found it so much easier than handling the bottles, formula, heaters, coolers, etc. I always had the food supply with me, it was easier to nurse.

Since becoming aware that I was practicing attachment parenting, I have become an advocate of many AP methods. However, like all things, I believe you have to find whatever fits you and your kids best. If you think that may be AP, I urge you to check out the API blog and website.

Attachment Parenting International (API), a non-profit organization that promotes parenting practices that create strong, healthy emotional bonds between children and their parents, has several exciting changes they would like to announce, including:

  • A newly redesigned web site and new logo at Attachment Parenting.org;
  • Attachment parenting worldwide support forums;
  • Parent Education Program – a comprehensive series of classes for every stage and age of child development from infancy through adulthood;
  • A new book based on API’s Eight Principles of Attachment Parenting by API co-founders Lysa Parker and Barbara Nicholson which is expected to be available this summer;
  • A series of podcasts, webinars, chats, and forums with API Advisory Board members and other supporters of AP. Future events are scheduled with Dr. Bob Sears, Dr. James McKenna, and Kathleen Kendall Tacket. Check out the events page for more information.

These are just a few of many exciting things going on at API. I hope you’ll stop by and check it out for yourself.

All good things must end…

and my dad’s visit is included in that statement. I tried to chain him in the guest room with coconut doughnuts, but somehow he was able to eat free of his bindings and escape. Sniff.

I had a great week hanging out with my Dad, but now I go back to missing him. Love you Daddy! Thank you for coming out here and spending so much time with us!

I sthwear Mr. Beer…

You know what rocks? Belgium beer. Not only is it tasty, not only does it have awesome names like Gulden Draak, but it is between 9% and 12% alcohol by volume.


I have been drinking lovely belgium beers with my brother today. I am feeling no pain. None at all.

It’s lovely when one beer turns you into a goon.

We flew a little remote controlled plane in the freezing cold with no jackets, we hit the bowling alley and tennis courts via the Wii, and we listened to my Dad and Roomie legalize Marijuana through a lengthy policy review process.

Things are good… so long as I don’t drive anywhere.