Making it up as I go along…

It’s the motto of my life, apparently.

As a parent I find myself making it up as I go along all the time, but I didn’t expect that to be my career experience as well. It turns out though, having one’s own practice means making it up as you go along!

I have a license that permits to take any case I choose, so long as I am able to devote enough time to understand it and advocate accordingly. So far I have had zer0 cases in my primary field of study, children’s advocacy, and two in my secondary, environmental law. The rest of the substantial stack of work on my desk are in areas I didn’t focus on. I spend a lot of time on my faithful steed (my mac) riding the internet in search of knowledge for Wills, Divorce, Custody and Guardianship arrangements, and now Grant writing. I also spend a lot of time emailing the people I know who focus on those fields and peppering them with questions. (I need to come up with some awesome thank you gifts for these mentors of mine).

So here I sit, in a quiet house, searching Google for grants and tips on grant writing, and following the rabbit hole down into the various depths of government grant sites. It strikes me that blogging may have better prepared me for Google searches than law school did, as I can think of no one better to travel deeper into these various sites than a blogger who can lose three hours to following a comment string. Maybe they should devise a professional blogging degree.

2 thoughts on “Making it up as I go along…”

  1. I just noticed that another blogger I read is also a mama lawyer (among other things) in the LA area who does a lot of the environment. I thought that you might want to get in touch with her/start reading her blog if you aren’t all ready- I checked your blog roll and she wasn’t listed.

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