Category Archives: Food

My kinky side…

I’ve lost ten pounds in the last nine days because I can’t eat more than a few hundred calories. Every day I can eat less than the day before because every day my stomach shrinks and my sense of feeling fuller happens after less food and my sense of “OMG I’m going to pull a Exorcist at the table” happens after fewer and fewer bites.

Today it was half an avocado for breakfast. I didn’t even make it all the way through before I felt ill.
For lunch I drank a protein shake and felt pretty good about finishing it before I realized it only had 190 calories and not the 390 I thought it did.
Then I managed a whole 5 Hershey’s kisses.
Just now I ate 1/2 of dinner consisting of cream of broccoli soup mixed with ground beef, steamed veggies, and nutritional yeast.

I feel as though I have eaten Thanksgiving dinner. I’m trying not to hurl.

Only four and a half more weeks until surgery to fix the “kink in my hose” as the surgeon described the portion of my small intestine wrapped around scar tissue in my abdomen. Until then it’s my own personal version of Biggest Loser, Starvation Edition.

To add a fun element to the party I am tapering up on Topomax which kills the hunger signal, makes me feel full(er), AND makes every taste as though my mouth is coated in blood or pennies. (As an aside, I would not make a good vampire. Their diet is disgusting. There will be no Un-Deading it for THIS girl.)

So I am also popping pills every night that make eating even more difficult and less fun. Further, the pills make me feel as though I have the flu so I have spent the past week feeling all over body aches and bone and joint pain well beyond the normal Fibro party.

Kids, Don’t do Drugs. They seriously mess with you.

Well my husband just arrived with a nice bottle of wine from the 19 Crimes collection. I will probably have a sip or two before I am tempted to spit it out as it will taste revolting BUT damnit I will have some!!!

Stay safe loves.

UPDATE: The wine tasted like soap. SOAP! Everything else tastes like copper but the wine tastes soapy? I couldn’t even manage to sip enough to get the slightest bit loopy, even on so few calories. I feel cheated.

What is with the weather…?

There is some sort of weather ‘ledge’ here on the front range that is sending my body into a tizzy of confuddled circles trying to decide exactly how fucked up I should be.

It kind of sucks actually. My face is dancing it’s little spiky-heeled tango on the left side of my head and my scalp is super sensitive and my joints can’t decide if they are weak or stiff or just in pain.

I mean, it’s bad enough that my body wants to belong to the club of “medical science just doesn’t get me” but now the weather does too?

Can I sue climate change deniers for personal damages now that the global climate change is making my body crazy?

Sorry, lawyer brain went off on a trip at that one. I’m back now.

It just seems unfair that the weather on a good day can make me feel shitty so when I’m all “It’s my year to get understand my body” the weather is all “hold my beer” and then the beer is actually a multi-week long storm front that stays at the ice-pick stabby stage for the whole damned time instead of having some sort of precipitation that fixes it for me.

Anyway, despite Mx. Weather being an asshole I managed to box yesterday and walk briskly this morning. On track for moving my butt around and creating brand new small nerve fibers to combat this stupid syndrome of mine.

I also made an appointment for a surgery to correct whatever is going on with my small intestine and the scar tissue from my hysterectomy.

Then I made a cake, because I wanted one. I put beets in it though because I wanted to be healthy.*

So, I’ve completed two days of my new plan. I’m doing what I can to feel better.

* Also possibly because I am insane. However, six other people have tried this beet cake and declared it good so I am not the only insane one out there. It’s a bit like a carrot cake had a baby with a zucchini bread but was bitter about it.

That’s all for today loves, stay safe out there.

Oh my goodness, I almost forgot. Here’s a link to those Valentine’s ECards my haiku are featured in. I’d be honored if you would pop over and check them out. I believe you get to send up to five cards for each donation.

The bees knees…

We are getting bees!!

It started like this:

Mom and I were driving home the other day when she asked me if that man in our alley was wearing a hazmat suit. I peered beyond her and declared it was a beekeeper!!

We immediately halted the car, rolled down the windows, and fairly mobbed him with questions. He is an Urban Farmer and beekeeper. He has a hive a few doors down from us and soon will put one in our yard!

He does all the maintenance and beekeeping while we get honey and bees!! My plants will have more bees and I can finally feel like I’m doing more for the vanishing bee population than just planting flowers.

Best of all my kids will get as-local-as-you-can-get honey for their allergies and they will get to learn about co-existing with these amazing time creatures that do so much for our food supply.

Oliver and I have already been setting out water for the neighborhood bees and we sit in the garden and watch them line up to drink. Their tiny furry bodies rest on the edge of the water pool as they delicately sip. Yum. He is super excited to have a hive of our own and has been telling me all about how to stay still when they land on you so they don’t feel threatened.

I plan to put up a page on the hive’s progress so keep your eyes out!


They are here!!


The Sooky Foo Honey Company brought our lovely little hive early this afternoon!


It’s so wonderful to see them out in the garden. Many of our neighbors have stopped by to see them and the dog has already been checking them out.


Squee!! We have bees!