Category Archives: Moving

If you see an albatross…


I swear, New Jersey does not let it’s people go!!! This has been an absolutely wretched trip thus far!!

We left New Jersey yesterday at about two o’clock after spending the day madly packing, cleaning, and sweating. We made it about two hours out of Freehold when Lee’s car started making a really bad noise and lost all power. We stopped at a rest stop and decided to call the dealership. They asked us to bring it into a location about twenty minutes away. The car began to smoke on the way to the dealer. Billowing clouds of white smoke every time he started off a light, went up a hill, or turned a corner.

Turns out he blew the turbo, hopefully won’t have hurt the engine. So we are ensconced in a Motel six in Limerick PA, with two kids, three cats, and two dogs for a couple of days while we wait for repairs.

The Good news:

This didn’t happen in Amish country miles away from the nearest (non-buggy) tow-truck.

Due to our delay, I had time to replace my bald tires (I had no idea they were bald) with safe tires.

The warrantee covered the repairs.

The town we are stuck in is named Limerick.

(In Limerick they sat and ate snacks,

while their Subaru sat up on jacks,

they’d lost several days,

in mind numbing ways,

while awaiting their chance to make tracks!!)

The Bad News:

Well…. I don’t need to repeat it all do I?

Anyway…. anyone out there want to take me for drinks when I get home? I would like to forget this experience as quickly as possible.

So many boxes, so little time…

We have too much stuff. Too many boxes littering the garage, the POD, and the house!! Argh! To make things worse, it is hot, hot, HOT. Oh, and did I mention Muggy? That’s right, we are getting closer to the time of year in NJ when the heat and humidity combine to punch you unpleasantly in the face when you leave your house. At least we have AC in the new place.

Unfortunately we are discovering that life on the east coast is a major pain in the a*&. We can’t get rid of the garbage generated from our last move. We are facing a crisis here, as the boro won’t accept the boxes unless they are packed as recyclables, they won’t accept more than three cans worth of thrash on pickup day, and the one hauler we got a hold of wants to charge us $475 to remove our stuff. I HATE IT HERE!!
Back home you can just lug it to the landfill, hand them a 20, and dump it. Not here, no… they have 4000 different municipalities, and ours doesn’t have their own landfill.

Mutter mutter. Shake it off.

On the Oliver front:

This young man needed a new wardrobe, as he has outgrown all the newborn, 3-6, and 6-9 month clothing so lovingly given us by our friends and family. Luckily I caught a bunch of summer clothes on clearance at Target, and managed to secure him some dappper baby attire at minimal cost. Still, 3 months old and heading into 12 month old clothes? My baby is a tall and strong young man, soon he will be moving furniture for us.

Marlena has loved playing with her brother, and had begun to ape me with her own baby doll. For her birthday she got a baby play gym and carrier for her dolly and has been caring for “Alina” while I care for Oliver. It’s pretty cute. She has also been reading bedtim stories to him. Oliver loves to hear her read, and watches her face the whole time with wide, excited eyes. Here she is snuggling her brother.

Well I am off to mom’s thing, and then back to the dreaded house to prepare some boxes for recycling. Sigh.

Our house, in the middle of our street.

I am back online and into the new house in Freehold. Things are well and truly scattered in a typical post moving pattern. My family is living out of duffels as we try and make it through the next week or so.

Marlena’s BDAY party is Saturday. We are meeting friends at Dorbrook park for fun in the sun Splashpark style. So I have to quit the mass unpacking to gather her swimsuit, some snacks, a few goody bags, and some cake together for the grand event.

YAY MARLENA! She is almost 6!!