Nothing like vomit to make you feel at home.

Otter has come down with the stomach flu. He has been sick since yesterday afternoon, poor guy, and can’t seem to keep anything down. Of course, we don’t get our new insurance until Monday, so I can’t really take him in unless things get really bad. Hopefully I can get him to drink some pedialite or something.

It has been a crazy week here. We are waiting for all our worldly possessions to be delivered today so we can unpack and move into our house. In the meantime, we have been trying to prepare for Monkey’s 7th birthday, which is tomorrow, a day sadly devoted to much moving. I asked her Nana and Papa if they would host a small family party at their new house for her, and they happily agreed. Tomorrow evening’s event will feature a pool and a Hannah Montana cake, and then we will host a party for kids the following week at our house.

I am sorry I have not been keeping this updated much, lately I have been a little insane with the stress of relocating. I will share some pics and stories once things are a little more settled.

2 thoughts on “Nothing like vomit to make you feel at home.”

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    Happy Birthday Monkey

    Angel Feathers Tickle Me

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